Zion Labs - T-5 60 kapsúl
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30 mg eph / 300 mg caffeine / 150 mg aspirin
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CRACK Limited Gold Edition Pre-Workoutis aDMAApre-workout training released in 2021 by the Polish company Dark Labs. Crack attracted attention for the bold inclusion of 100 mg of DMAA on its label.
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One of the best and most powerful pre-workout products in 2021, Dark Labs Crack Limited Gold Edition offers a huge pump, long-lasting energy and focus during exercise.
DMAA (100 mg), DMHA (200 mg), Eria jarensis (300 mg), caffeine anhydrous (300 mg) and caffeine citrate (100 mg yield) - and that's not all...
CRACK Limited Gold Edition Pre-Workoutis aDMAApre-workout training released in 2021 by the Polish company Dark Labs. Crack attracted attention for the bold inclusion of 100 mg of DMAA on its label. This dosage is significantly higher than what is normally included in pre-workout DMAA (typically 60mg to 75mg).