List of products by brand SWISS PHARMACEUTICALS

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TESTODROL Swiss pharma 120 kapsúl

Price €41.90

Swiss Pharmaceuticals Testodrol 120 capsules

TESTODROL - This innovative prohormone works liketestosterone booster aestrogen modulator : for moretestosterone in the body, moreforcesand moremuscles!

Number of doses in the package: 40 doses / 1530 mg / 120 capsules

Availability: 6 In Stock

Swiss Pharmaceuticals - A.O.C - 180 kapsúl

Price €23.90

Swiss Pharmaceuticals - AOC - 180 capsules

AOC is a specially designed product to induce maximum muscle pumping. Contains a premium combination of active ingredients such as AAKG + citrulline + ornithine. The product can be used on training and non-training days several times during the day. In addition to blood circulation, it also works well for better sleep.

Availability: 60 In Stock

Swiss Pharmaceuticals - Ultimate PCT 120 kapsúl

Price €39.80

Swiss Pharmaceuticals - Ultimate PCT 120 capsules

ULTIMATE PCTfromSwiss Pharmaceuticalsis aa versatile PCT product for protectionheart and prostate, improved liver regeneration and increase your testosterone levels .

Number of doses in the package: 40 doses / 1120 mg / 120 capsules

Availability: 106 In Stock